Wild Mustangs
In 1971
Congress unanimously passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, a federal law to protect wild horses and burros from “capture, branding, harassment, and death.” Declared “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene.” The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, was charged with managing these animals on public lands.
The protections given to free-roaming horse under this act is the same as that given to bald eagles.
BLM was to determine “appropriate management levels” (ALMs) based on population, resources, designated land, within BLMs multiple use mandate…
Wildlife, livestock, wilderness, and recreation.
The concept was to give an optimum number of horses that maintains a thriving natural ecological balance and avoids deterioration of the range.
There were 245million acres allotted for public use.
But that isn't what is happening in practice!
Under pressure from special interests, the federal agency has turned the law on its head, committing the very atrocities Congress sought to protect mustangs against.
Ranchers are permitted to graze a total of 155 million acres of public land at a fraction of the going rate, subsidized with tax dollars, for their private livestock ($1.35 a month /cow-calf pair or 5 sheep. Compared to $23.40/mo on private lands). Welfare Ranching.
98% of livestock grazed on public lands is exported and sold overseas.
Wild horses and burros are authorized to roam on just 27 million acres of public land designated as their habitat, that they must share with livestock.
There are approximately 700,000 to 1 million cow/calf pairs authorized by the BLM to graze public lands today.
The BLM sets a population cap for wild horses and burros on public lands at no more than 16,000 - 27,000 total.
27,000 is the approximate number of free-range horses in 1971 when they we’re determined to be “fast disappearing.”
The BLM uses helicopters to chase down, capture, and round up wild mustangs. It's brutal, inhumane, violent, and traumatizing. The helicopter roundups and adoptions have been operating at a loss since its inception. Taxpayers pay for the care of the horses in long term holding until they die. Private ranchers have million dollar contracts w the government to keep wild horses in long term holding. There’s no accountability, no tracking of deaths, and no proof that the horses are getting veterinary care, farrier, or even deworming. It is far from honoring the protections that they are supposed to be given.
Man With A Horse Project is committed to advocating, adopting, and educating the public about the unfair and cruel treatment of these icons of the west and of the American pioneer spirit. It is our hope that every veteran who attends our retreats or participates in our programs, becomes a supporter and advocate for our mustangs. Only through collaboration, education, and hard work, can we make a difference and create change.